Thursday, October 29, 2009

Now Rangers fans threaten the bank

In a scarcely believable twist to an already extraordinary plot line, a consortium of Rangers supporters organisations have decided to threaten Lloyds Banking Group with a boycott if the "club's current situation is worsened by their actions".

If any fans are stupid enough to believe that boycotting Rangers' bank is an appropriate response to the "current situation", then Lloyds will no doubt be delighted to get the sub-prime eejits off their books. They've got a credit rating to worry about, after all.

Hubris aside, it's quite breathtaking how a group of supporters can so spectacularly vent their spleen at the wrong target. Let's be clear - Rangers have got themselves into a pickle entirely of their own making, and the bank, owed £30m, is in no position to do them a favour.

But with David Murray in hiding, the new chairman operating from safe distance (about 4,000 miles away from Glasgow), and Walter Smith and Martin Bain seemingly untouchable, perhaps the bank is the only target left.

The statement goes on to call for a swift sale of the club - but to who? It's been for sale for years, with no takers, and as Murray's other businesses continue to tank, who would front up with cash now?

One of the groups behind the statement, the Rangers Supporters Trust, has a dream of owning the club one day. Has that day not arrived?

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